Business digitization

Business digitization

Digital technologies have created revenue opportunities where none existed before, allowing companies not only to make money, but also to streamline their processes and optimize business projects to grow faster. This enormous transformation has taken place in less than a decade and, for the time being, it seems to know no know no end. Today, all businesses that have not yet digitized their processes business are faced with the need to modernize.

Digitizing means simplifying and saving money by using technology with solutions different depending on one’s needs.
It also means moving away from traditional tools in order to streamline workflows and automate activities and procedures, whether related to the production and distribution of products and services, marketing and sales, customer care, be they pertinent to the area of document management of administrative, accounting and tax materials.

Digitizing also means dematerializing physical locations to communicate and share information in real time, in a single connected and collaborative environment even from remote. Corporate digitization brings with it new participatory modes and spaces
of open work, no longer limited to a particular context, desk or office, but shared remotely, from video-conferencing meetings to customer support via chat, to interactions in Social Networking platforms dedicated to employees, contractors outsiders and customers.

Dematerializing physical space, also understood as storage and electronic storage, represents a gain in efficiency, speed and control. All documentation is entrusted to the automation of software platforms with no more the need for manual entries or complex searches. In particular, marketing can leverage software automation to generate profiled databases, intercept potential
customers and retain existing ones with campaigns built around the behaviors, preferences and actions taken by users.

Corporate digitization is a global transformation, affecting both the public and private sectors. Through systems governed by technologies and Artificial Intelligence it automates the entire business management, it, creates new channels for sharing and selling, and collects, processes and synchronizes data. And speaking of corporate social channels, participation in conversations and their monitoring are replacing the “old” market surveys, in favor of the accessibility immediate to an incredible amount of data and feedback to intercept opinions, feelings and trends, in other words valuable information for improving products and services or implementing others.

Digitization processes

Saving on costs
The first way you can use to save on business costs is to manage your best use of your time. You can use specific HR software such as Factorial, which allow you to optimize your workday and that of your workers.

Human resources, in fact, lose dozens of hours each year in operations such as:

  • Requests for authorizations and approvals
  • Vacation and leave counts and calculations
  • Stamping time cards
  • Filling out forms and timesheets

These operations can be automated, you can:

  • Approve requests in real time with one click
  • Automate vacation and leave calculations
  • Time card stamping can be done from your smartphone
  • Forms and timesheets are automatically generated by the software

Improving document management
On a daily basis, we are faced with a very common problem: the management of
documents. Every day one or more workers lose hours in printing and distributing
of forms and documents.

These often have to be signed and stored in a secure location, operations that waste
lose more hours. With Factorial, digitization of paper documents becomes a reality. It
can easily:

  • Manage and share documents with human resources
  • Ask them to be digitally signed
  • Store them in a digital and encrypted repository

Growing talent in the enterprise
The third macro process of corporate digitization concerns talent management in the
company. Many hours are probably lost in operations such as:

  • Performance evaluation of workers
  • Management of training courses and learning
  • Understanding of current skills in the company
  • Determining an objective evaluation method

In addition:

  • Check employee performance in real time
  • The performance appraisal process is based on objective data
  • You can customize the evaluation based on your needs

Strategy and tools

As mentioned, the main causes of the delay in business digitization are to be found in to be found in an old-fashioned mentality, lack of information and lack of knowledge. But awareness of its benefits is nevertheless ripe.

So far we have seen what digitization is, what are the most important macro areas where you can introduce it, and what the benefits of it are. We have not yet dwelt on those steps to take before starting any digitization process. You have to
however, consider that each company is different from the other.

After understanding the meaning in its many aspects, to put in place the corporate digitization one only needs to get clarity on priorities and goals.

Review all processes
Digitization and sustainability. We recommend starting with these two concepts. Therefore, review all processes in the company and prioritize those that impact costs the most.

Proceed step by step
Only after you have digitized all the processes most impactful to your organization can you think about digitizing the processes that you have assessed as important to your business but not a priority. Proceeding step by step allows you to stay ahead of the curve and get slowly adapt all workers to the changes.

Monitor the situation
Finally, it is important to keep an eye on the actual effectiveness of any new innovations introduced.
Any innovation, as mentioned earlier, is important to bring an improvement to your company. Innovation must therefore lead to savings in time, cost, energy and so on.

Depending on the industry, the goals configured and the optimizations needed, you can introduce management systems and ERP, enterprise document platforms (Enterprise Content and Document Management) with basic functionality or integrated tools.
Main tools that can be used:

  • HR platforms: for proper personnel management in the company, to automate anddigitize all repetitive processes in charge of the HR department.
  • Digital work suites: ideal for better managing communication between work teams onsite and remotely.
  • Cloud CRM platforms: specifically for managing customer relationships, sales cycles, and to acquire new leads.
  • Accounting software: needed to digitize all operations in accounting and finance.
  • CMS platforms: specific for creating, uploading and publishing content on the web (text, video, images).